Registration Form

Make it easy.
EasyLife allows you to transact your life, longevity, and annuity business with ease and efficiency.
Click on the buttons below or scroll down for helpful tools and resources to ensure the best possible experience for you and your clients.
Life and Longevity
EasyLife makes your life and longevity planning easy by giving you one place to quote, apply, and track your business. This saves you time so that you're able to focus on other important tasks in your practice.
Running a quote in EasyLife is quick and simple—allowing you to get information to your customers with ease. Watch this demo video on quoting life solutions:
Ways to Apply
Paper Forms
This process will generate a traditional fillable application for the product you selected.
This process allows you to complete and sign a full application online. With the help of the wizard, you complete a fillable version of the carrier’s full application embedded with specific rules so you do not inadvertently skip over required questions.
Once you have completed the application, you will be able to electronically sign the application and submit it to your local office case manager for review. Once your case manager has reviewed the application, he or she will submit it to the
carrier on your behalf.
Drop Ticket
This is a shortened form that gets the application process started. Once the drop ticket is submitted, the carrier will reach out to the client to complete the rest of the application over the phone. Your client will still have to answer the normal questions, including medical, but they (and you) won’t have to deal with the tedious paperwork.
Drop tickets are great to get the process started with the carrier and have the customer provide underwriting information directly to the carrier. This document will show you the specific process each carrier uses for their drop ticket. Keep them prepared and shorten the interview time by providing them this document.
Accelerated Underwriting
Take advantage of carrier accelerated underwriting programs! Accelerated underwriting can turn weeks into days and potentially eliminate the need for a paramedical exam. Accelerated underwriting uses a combination of a client interview, application, and database searches to underwrite the risk… notice NO PARAMED! Keep in mind that this process isn’t for everyone—a good rule of thumb is a client that fits these parameters:
- Age: 18 to 60
- Face amount: $1,000,000 or less
- Assumed preferred or better risk (typically not for standard or worse)
The process isn’t perfect—sometimes the insurance carrier will still need to get more information. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you informed along the way.
Many carriers offer accelerated underwriting programs in conjunction with their digital applications, and some have nuances to their platforms that may make their process more amenable than others.
Available Carriers
Want to learn more about the available carriers and their programs? Visit Available Carriers.
Case Sharing
Need help completing the application or making sure it's filled in correctly? Case sharing is a great feature of EasyLife. Learn more.
What Happens Next?
After you have submitted your application—Highland takes over for you. Click here to see what happens next.
Demo Videos
Below are demo videos to learn some of the most common processes:
- How to Access and Navigate EasyLife
- How to Refine, Save and Send Your Chosen Quotes
- How to Access Your Saved Quotes
- How to Move from the Quote to the Application Process
- How to Complete the eApplication
- Helpful Hints While Navigating the Application Process
- How to Find Saved Applications in the Platform and Share Cases
- How to Monitor Case Status
EasyLife is all about making your life easy when you research, submit, and manage your annuity business. This saves you time so that you’re able to focus on other important tasks in your practice.
Running an annuity quote through our EasyLife portal is quick and simple—allowing you to get information to your customers with ease. Your EasyLife credentials will get you access to Annuity Rate Watch. Here you will be able to research the latest and greatest annuity product solutions.
Ways to Apply
Paper Forms
Via the Annuity Marketplace, this process will generate a traditional application for the product you selected. You can complete the application online and print it out for conventional wet signatures.
Your days of submitting incomplete applications and writing out redundant client information are over. This process allows you to complete and sign a full application online right in the Annuity Marketplace found in the EasyLife portal. The Annuity Marketplace helps you complete a fillable version of the carrier’s full application embedded with specific rules so you do not inadvertently skip over required questions.
Once you have completed the application, you and your client will be able to electronically sign the application and submit it to your Highland case manager for review. If needed, your Highland case manager will coordinate with your broker-dealer for supervision review. Once your case has been properly reviewed, we will submit it to the carrier on your behalf.
Available Carriers
Due to the complexities of annuity offerings, state approvals, and product variations, it is the advisor's responsibility to make sure the specific annuity solution being presented to his/her client is an approved product in the advisor's supervisory hierarchy. If you have any questions regarding your approved product list, please call your Highland Capital Brokerage Annuity representative at (855) 422-4968.
What Happens Next?
After you have submitted your application—Highland takes over for you. However, you can manage your applications anytime through the Annuity Order Management tab in the Annuity Marketplace. Additionally, your submitted applications and the case status can be viewed here.
Additional Assistance with Annuity E-Apps
For further questions regarding the Annuity Marketplace, please contact your Highland Capital Brokerage Annuity representative at (855) 422-4968.